The typical retiree has 2,500 hours a year to fill (50 hours a week times 50 weeks a year devoted to work and thinking about work). This time void leads to big fears, including loneliness, disappointment, loss of identity, and lack of purpose. I triangulate how these factors can change using a specific definition of the new status quo.
There is even a psychological term for all these fears. Sudden Retirement Syndrome is the emotional difficulties due to the abrupt lifestyle change. And this kills retirees earlier than necessary. The psychological symptoms include depression, anxiety, and loss of self-worth. Net effects include social isolation that leads to withdrawal from activities and relationships. Physical health concerns due to concomitant stress, emotional anguish, and rapid decline increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and obesity.
Most retirees with no specific plan feel like they fell off a cliff into an abyss. They are disappointed with retirement, feel isolated and depressed, with no clue how to fill their days and years. Or they are so afraid of declining into old age that they either become hypochondriacs, get a part-time job at a big box store, or return to consult for the company they just left.
You can change all this, the key to unlocking your fulfilling retirement is with Preferment: A Rarified Retirement’s DYI book or 90-Dy Programs!